
About us

For over fifty years, Studio Galgano has been offering its clients a wide range of services, from legal assistance in complex cases to practical operational support, thus providing a comprehensive approach to legal counselling.
In order to meet the needs of our domestic and international clients, our Firm has established a network of offices in Italy and around the world and relies on an exceptional team of experienced professionals.
In addition to its historic headquarters in Bologna, Studio Galgano has offices in Florence, Genoa, Milan, Padua, Udine and Miami (Florida, USA). Each office relies on the expertise of professionals who practice in a wide range of law specialties.

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The firm’s consultants

In order to meet the needs of an increasing and heterogeneous clientele, Studio Galgano has created a team of professionals who specialize in various law areas.
Studio Galgano can support both domestic and international clients, through a vast and established presence on the Italian territory, and its Miami office.


The areas of law where we can support you

«La laica fede nella ragione,
che aveva ispirato giusnaturalisti e pandettisti,
può essere tuttora la forza ispiratrice del pensiero del giurista».

Francesco Galgano